Holiday Tipping Unwrapped
During the holidays we always get a lot of questions about tipping. Here’s the scoop on some of your most Frequently Asked Questions! Q: Should

Holiday Schedule 2015
Saturday Cleanings Exclusively during the Holidays we break with our Monday through Friday schedule and make several Saturdays available for anyone to schedule a cleaning! Both

Carpe Diem In The News!
You can check out the Herald Sun’s article about Carpe Diem by clicking here. Many thanks to the Herald Sun and to journalist Alex Dixon

Fun from the Small Business Revolution Party!
Many thanks to all of our amazing staff, friends, family, and fans who came out to celebrate with us on Friday! We had such a

Small Business Revolution Photo Essay is Live!
The fabulous photo essay produced by The Small Business Revolution is finally live! Click here to go to the Small Business Revolution’s website and view the

You’re Invited! – Come Celebrate Small Business in Durham
Join us next Friday, September 11 from 5:00-7:00 pm for a free neighborhood block party for all Carpe Diem family, friends, fans, and community neighbors!

A Carpe Diem Client shares her perspective on Small Business!
At Carpe Diem we are so excited to receive recognition from the Small Business Revolution, which is on a mission to highlight 100 locally owned businesses

Why our employees love the Small Business Revolution!
If you’ve read our blog or keep up with us on social media you’ll have seen that Carpe Diem Cleaning will be featured in a photo essay by the

Behind the Scenes with the Small Business Revolution
Carpe Diem is honored to be one of 100 small businesses around the country to receive recognition from the Small Business Revolution. Earlier this summer,

Celebrating the Small Business Revolution!
Carpe Diem Cleaning is honored to be featured in a photo essay by the Small Business Revolution showcasing 100 small businesses around the country. Over

7 Tips For A Vacation-Ready Home
Have you ever come home from a lovely vacation to find a rotting smell in your house or a nasty layer of dust and grime?

Carpe Diem Voted “Best House Cleaners in Durham County”!
Every year the Independent Weekly magazine opens the polls for folks in the Triangle to vote for their favorite local restaurants, shops, service providers, and